Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A somebody

Don't let the demon inside you,
lead you to believe that you are a nobody.

So long as you THINK about being a nobody, you are actually somebody.

Because the act of thinking itself is necessary to make you something.

Since you are something, then you obviously exist,
which then makes you not a nobody, but a somebody.

Je pense, donc je suis ( i am thinking, therefore i exist). Rene Descartes, 1637.

Its time for us, Malaysian, to actually stand up and be counted. it's no use just being a somebody and not contribute to the nation, you might as well be a nobody or in other words, you might as well be dead.

I am guilty for not voicing out my thoughts, as we have the right to, with regards to many blatant corruption of our legal and administrative system, and i believe many of you are too.

There are many ways, of course, to voice your opinion, one of which is through the modern medium of communication such as facebook and blogs. It's very polite and non intrusive to hide behind the comfort of a monitor and lash out statements to people. The receiver of such lashing will of course feel the heat but wont be uncomfortable enough to actually be bother to change their opinion.

To actually make an effect, we should all wear red shirts and run riot in the city streets like in Bangkok.

I admire their determination to uphold their civil rights and i envy the way the group seems to be closely knitted with a parallel focus not unlike a Muslim brotherhood.

We Malaysians though, sad to say, will find it tough to emulate our neighbours simply because their unity is cast in concrete with identical skin color and equal hatred for the same enemy.

We are too diversified. Too varied. Too much apart in fact that the government is trying their best to unite us under the 1Malaysia program.

If the program succeeds, then maybe, just maybe, we can all unite in red shirts and run riot in the city to voice our displeasure. Just like in Thailand. Just like in Indonesia.

That should give them something to think about!

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